Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I Took A Moment
I took a moment and wrapped it in cellophane,
My window pane
Frosty from icicle wands,
I imagined tropical greenery fronds,
In lieu, 'twas but my view a bit askew...
I stole a moment and hid it in a carousel,
Almost fell
Into the horse, of course, but swell,
The Music played its first serenade
While I made up my next charade
And I am telling lies, no lies, in school or out.
What is this poem about? you pout
What moments have you stolen lately
Aggravatingly staid
Wistfully said
Marmalade and bobby socks got nothing on you
But a few
Tensidently absovently hesitently
Oblivious and dew-full
Stolen moments
Between me and you...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Date With Perry
For years he's been my late night date...
This handsome, dark-haired lawyer...
His twinkling eyes,
in quiet surprise...
Solves the dangdest murders...
He pins the bad guys to the wall...
Justice always greets him...
He commands the judge's court in all...
No mystery eludes him...
My heartthrob stands so suave and strong...
No human man can match him...
Intrigue, he's cool; there is no wrong
Around him that can stay hidden...
He's clever and oh! so intelligent...
His manners are always high fashion...
Oh, yes, sincere, he's truly been
my loyal, faithful companion...
Of all the good guys i have seen...
There is no competition...
My late night date...
Television's great...
Picture-perfect Perry Mason !!!
My New Friend
My new friend is quite a gent, Colorful, unique and wonderful...
He wears a hat doffing his top, Dressing like a poet bountiful...
He has a gift with giving a lift Whenever one is feeling blue...
Encouraging writing about our lives, knowing it helps us through...
Big Daddy Cash is what we call him, William Cash Neve is his name...
Websites, Blogs, beau coup Media burst from his ever-creative brain...
When I met him, I was quite depressed, down-hearted from some hurt...
He encouraged me to express myself; shy, i was no expert...
But now the writing has become a way to outlet all the pain...
And, what do ya know, though i started out slow, i'm smiling once again...
My new friend is quite a gent, Caring, honest and huggable...
Big Daddy Cash, to one and all is...well...he's simply..."wuvvable" !!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
It is my birthday. Well, it is my "assigned" birthday...I was born in Korea, right at the end of the Conflict. Being an orphan, my true birthdate is unknown. The American Government can do anything. They gave me a birthday. Hallelujah. I have a piece of rice paper with oriental writing on it that verifies my lacking a birthdate, mother, father, etc. A piece of paper with no facts on it. Interesting. A blank slate. I'd rather have a blank check...but, wait, isn't that what Life is. We write in the value???
Birthday wishes are always good. Mine are to get my feet off the brake and onto the gas pedal !!! And to get a clear picture where in the heck I am driving to. You'd think at 58, I'd know what it is I am going to be when I get all growed up...but, noooo...I am still hanging out in my third or fourth adolescence. Haha...
I do want to get my Doctorate before my Life goes too much further forward. I should have done it years ago but I didn't really have the confidence. Now I do? Not really but running out of time is a reality for all of us once we pass 21...
Well, these are my Birthday Musings for 2011. Thanks for tuning in... Happy Birthdays to all of us !!!!